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An Example Race

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Tuesday Evenings

Race Duration 80 mins.

Start Time 19.00 or 19.15 hours

Personal Handicap Race :  

Starting Sequence : 10 - 5 - 4 - 1 - Zero  plus - Your Handicap (in mins) - Start

Winning the Race or being placed second adjusts your handicap start time by 3 mins and 2 mins respectively, these are adjusted for your following weeks personal handicap.

Please adjust your sheet under the perspex sheet.

Sunday Race One:

An 80 minute Pursuit Race

Refer to your start time by consulting the starting order in the Clubhouse foyer

Scheduled Start Time ( on Zero)  10.00am with a  10 ,  5 , 4 , 1 , Zero, warning sequence, each subsequent gun interval is sounded in 1 minute increments upto a max of 27 mins.

Due to the positioning of the Start Line, The OOD may be in a boat or on the bank and using the Timer Board without the benefit of the Clubhouse klaxon.

Sunday Race Two:

A Race of 60 minute duration plus Handicap.

Boats will start either on:-
                                              Zero or

                                              +3 Minutes.

Refer to the Starting Guide in the Clubhouse foyer.

Officer of the Day will sound a 10 min warning by a long burst on the klaxon

The scheduled start time (on Zero) is 12.00am  with a warning sequence 10 , 5 , 4, 1 , Zero , one further klaxon at  +3mins after Zero.

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